Strength of regulatory and procedural framework for parliamentary scrutiny of government policy making

Expert review of the regulatory framework (including rules of procedure of the parliament and legal drafting rules of the parliament and the government). For each of the following five criteria fulfilled in the regulatory framework, 1 point is awarded (total of 5 points).

Criteria fulfilled: 4/5

No data available / not assessed
Procedures enable the parliament and its committees to debate, scrutinise and amend government policies and programmes (1 point)
Procedures enable the parliament to carry out its oversight function over the government (at a minimum, procedures foresee written and oral questions from members of parliament [MPs] to ministers and the participation of ministers or their deputies in the work of the parliament when an issue that is their responsibility is discussed) (1 point)
The legal drafting rules and guidelines followed by the parliament are fully consistent with those followed by the government (i.e. they contain the same requirements for legislative practice and drafting) (1 point)
Draft laws submitted by the government to the parliament are accompanied by explanatory memorandums or other supporting documents containing an overview of the results of public consultation and the rationale behind the proposal (1 point)
Mechanisms are in place to ensure that the government systematically reviews new legislative proposals initiated by the parliament (1 point)