Development, implementation and monitoring of training plans

Expert review of legislation and guidelines on training needs analysis (TNA) and the formulation of training plans. Expert review of TNA reports and training plans. Interviews with staff in charge of TNA and training plans in training authority/authorities. Interviews with heads of HRM units are supplemented by quantitative data to assess the level of implementation of training plans: • The share of planned training courses that are actually implemented (number of training courses implemented according to the plan in the latest full calendar year divided by the total number of training courses planned for this period, expressed as a percentage). The above data influences the allocation of points. It helps establish to what extent training plans determine the implementation of training courses. In centralised systems, where one training plan for the civil service exists, this training plan is analysed. In decentralised systems, the situation is analysed for five central government bodies, which include two ministries (the same in all assessed countries) and the three other central government bodies with the highest number of civil servants reporting to the government, CoM or the prime minister. For each of the following three criteria, 1 point is awarded (total of 3 points).

Criteria fulfilled: 2/3

No data available / not assessed
Training plans are based on TNAs in all analysed cases (1 point)
Implementation of training plans is monitored, and data on implementation is available (1 point)
More than 50% of planned training courses were implemented (1 point)