Training expenditures in proportion to the annual salary budget (%)

Expenditures on training of civil servants borne by the state budget (centrally organised training and training in public bodies), divided by the expenditures spent on the total salary of civil servants, expressed as a percentage. Data relates to central government administration only. Only the training financed by the state budget is counted. Donor-financed training that is not part of the state budget is excluded.

Training expenditures in proportion to the annual salary budget

No data available / not assessed
The expenditure on training exceeds 1% of the salary budget and expenditure data on training courses organised is available (4 points)
The expenditure on training is 1% or below the salary budget and expenditure data on all training courses organised is not collected (0 points)
The expenditure on training is 1% or below the salary budget but expenditure data on all training courses organised is collected (2 points)

Calculated percentage value (%)

Albania, 2021