Availability of statistical data on accessibility to public services

SIGMA and local expert review of national statistics. For territorial accessibility, the sub-indicator tests the public availability (free of charge) of statistical data disaggregated by territorial units (SIGMA does not evaluate the quality of the data itself). Points for availability are awarded per policy area if either of the listed datasets per policy area below is disaggregated to one of the following levels of international classification: Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS ) 3, NUTS 2, Local Administrative Units (LAU) 2, LAU 1. Points are awarded for frequency if the data is updated at least every two years and if the most recent data covers the current or previous calendar year. Two policy areas are examined: • territorial statistics on education: o participation rates of 4-year-olds in education o pupils in primary and lower secondary education (ISCED 1-2) o pupils and students in upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 3-4) • territorial statistics on healthcare: o physicians or doctors (e.g. number of physicians/doctors per 1 000 population) o dentists o available beds in hospitals For people with disabilities, the indicator tests the public availability (free of charge) of national statistical data for this policy domain. A point is awarded if at least two of the statistics listed below are publicly available and the datasets are no older than the four years preceding the assessment year (e.g. if the assessment year is 2017, data should cover 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 or 2017). Statistics on people with disabilities and access to services: • prevalence of different types of disabilities among the population • barriers to access to education for people with disabilities • barriers to access to healthcare for people with disabilities • barriers to access to general administrative services for people with disabilities Points are awarded for each of the following criteria in the three areas (total of 3 points).

Criteria fulfilled: 3/5

No data available / not assessed
Territorial access to education: At least one of the datasets listed in the methodology is publicly available (0.5 points)
Territorial access to education: The dataset is updated at least every two years and the most recent data covers the current or previous calendar year (0.5 points)
Territorial access to healthcare: At least one of the datasets listed in the methodology is publicly available (0.5 points)
Territorial access to healthcare: The dataset is updated at least every two years and the most recent data covers the current or previous calendar year (0.5 points)
People with disabilities and access to services: At least two of the statistics enlisted in the methodology are publicly available and sufficiently recent (1 point)