Perceived time and cost of accessing public services by citizens (%)

Analysis of responses to a Balkan Barometer survey, or similar, by a representative sample of citizens who have been in contact with central government services in the last year. The respondents are asked: “How would you grade the following issues?” Assessors calculate the percentage of respondents who answer 3, 4 and 5 in relation to each of two questions: “Time required to obtain public services” and “Price of public services”. Points are awarded for each of the two criteria (total of 3 points): • “How would you grade the time required to obtain public services (police, health system, judiciary, township, etc.)?”: ---- 1.5 points = 70%-100% ---- 1 point = 55%-69.99% ---- 0.5 points = 40%-54.99% ---- 0 points = below 40% • “How would you grade the price of public services (e.g. issuance of personal documents, judiciary costs, etc.)?”: ---- 1.5 points = 70%-100% ---- 1 point = 55%-69.99% ---- 0.5 points = 40%-54.99% ---- 0 points = below 40%

“How would you grade time required to obtain public services (police, health system, judiciary, township, etc.)?”

Albania, 2021

“How would you grade price of public services (e.g. issuance of personal documents, judiciary costs, etc.)”

Albania, 2021