Transparency of the budget proposal before its adoption in parliament

Review of the documentation submitted to the parliament and published before the parliamentary debates either as part of the annual budget bill or as published annexes and other supporting material. For each of the following eight criteria, 1 point is awarded (total of 8 points).

Criteria fulfilled: 6/8

No data available / not assessed
The budget documentation sets out the macroeconomic and fiscal assumptions on which the budget is based (1 point)
The budget documentation provides, on the basis of the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA), medium-term projections for general government balance, revenue and expenditure (1 point)
The budget documentation indicates the latest estimates of the budget balance, revenue and expenditure of the current year for comparison (1 point)
The budget documentation links appropriations to administrative units (first-level budget organisations at a minimum) (1 point)
The budget documentation provides information on new policy initiatives (1 point)
The budget documentation provides information on contingent liabilities (1 point)
The budget documentation provides long-term projections (five years or more) for at least the two largest expenditure areas (1 point)
The budget documentation presents links between the budget and the government’s policy objectives for the upcoming year and provides non-financial performance information (1 point)