Effectiveness of basic managerial accountability mechanisms for central government bodies
The sub-indicator assesses how often central government bodies reporting to the parent ministry meet each of the three basic criteria of managerial accountability below. The measure is based on a sample of eight bodies in total. Two bodies are selected from four different ministries: 1) the ministry of interior; 2) the MoF; 3) the ministry of justice; and 4) the ministry of economy. Subordinated bodies with the highest staff numbers are selected for each ministry.
The standard of managerial accountability comprises the following criteria:
• The annual plan of the subordinated body contains specific objectives and measurable targets approved by the ministry or agreed upon by the ministry and the subordinated body;
• Progress towards objectives is monitored by a relevant unit of the ministry, at least annually;
• The latest annual report contained information on the level of outcomes against predefined objectives and targets, and the ministry provided feedback on this in writing.
Points are awarded for the number of occurrences where ministries fulfil the criteria. The maximum possible number of occurrences is 24.
Point allocation:
• 4 points = 22-24 occurrences
• 3 points = 19-21 occurrences
• 2 points = 16-18 occurrences
• 1 point = 13-15 occurrences
• 0 points = 12 or fewer occurrences
Number of occurrences where any of the eight bodies fulfils one of the three criteria
Albania, 2021
The annual plan of the subordinated body contains specific objectives and measurable targets approved by the ministry or agreed upon by the ministry and the subordinated body
Number of sample institutions fulfilling the criteria
Albania, 2021
Progress towards objectives is monitored by a relevant unit of the ministry, at least annually
Number of sample institutions fulfilling the criteria
Albania, 2021
The latest annual report contained information on the level of outcomes against predefined objectives and targets, and the ministry provided feedback on this in writing
Number of sample institutions fulfilling the criteria
Albania, 2021