Organisational capacity for internal audit

Review of data provided by the CHU/MoF. Review of a sample of five budget organisations to verify the data provided by CHU/MoF. The sample budget organisations include three ministries and two large agencies. Points are awarded for the following four criteria (total of 5 points).

Criteria fulfilled: 2/4

No data available / not assessed
IA units are established at least in 90% of central government organisations required to do so (2 points)
At least 90% of IA units that are established are staffed according to legal requirements, and their staff includes at least two auditors (to meet IIA standards for internal quality control) (1 point)
At least 85% of internal auditors have IA qualifications (i.e. they hold a national or international certificate for internal auditing) (1 point)
Audit charters, including independence and reporting arrangements, are concluded with heads of organisations in all five cases reviewed (1 point)