Opportunities for participation of SMEs in public procurement
Expert review of legislation.
For each of the following five criteria, 1 point is awarded (total of 5 points).
Criteria fulfilled: 5/5
No data available / not assessed
Contracting authorities/entities are encouraged to divide contracts into lots (1 point) | |
Setting proportionate qualification levels and financial requirements is required by law (1 point) | |
The nature and amount of documentation required to participate in a tender are relevant to the nature of the procurement (1 point) | |
The use of the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) or a standard self-declaration to confirm that the economic operator meets the relevant selection criteria and is not in a situation in which economic operators shall or may be excluded is required (1 point) | |
Legislation is in place imposing strict deadlines for payments from public authorities, and there are penalties for noncompliance (1 point) |