Adequacy of regulatory and institutional framework and use of centralised purchasing

Expert review of legislation, including secondary legislation. Interviews with contracting authorities/entities, economic operators, independent observers, external auditors and NGOs. Analysis of administrative data to determine the value of procurement awarded in centralised purchasing as a share of the total contract value in the latest full calendar year, expressed as a percentage. Points are awarded for each of the following criteria. Based on the value of procurement awarded in centralised purchasing as a share of the total contract value, a total of 3 points can be awarded: • 3 points = more than 5% • 2 points = 2%-5% • 1 point = 1%-1.99% • 0 points = below 1%

Adequacy of regulatory and institutional framework and use of centralised purchasing

Criteria fulfilled: 2/2

No data available / not assessed
The legislation provides for centralised purchasing and regulates the institutions, items and procedures to be used, and at least one central purchasing body is active (1 point)
Existing arrangements for centralised purchasing are used for over half (by value) of the contracts concluded by contracting authorities/entities for the items covered by centralised purchasing (1 point)

Value of procurement awarded in centralised purchasing as a share of the total contract value (%)

Albania, 2021

Total value of procurement awarded in centralised purchasing

Albania, 2021